Hoover 4

(Jan. 31,2021 - Feb. 4,2021)

 He implemented the stonewalling/discard on 2/4. My birthday is 2/8. đź‘Ť

He had told me he'd still be here on that day to prove he was serious this time around. He claimed he had a great gift for me. I told him no man had ever gotten me anything for my birthday. He said I would really like it and that he was excited. I bet he didn't get me anything. It’s like he just wanted to get my hopes up so he could let me down

All audio recordings are from the previous hoover.


  • Pathetic
  • His Push & Pull
  • My Breakdowns
  • He 'Loved' Me
  • I Snapped:  What Short-Circuited My Brain


I sent him an email letting him know I wasn’t wanting to return to my therapist's office because his threat to show up there at random (to shame me) ruined the mental and emotional security I need. I told him I was supposed to feel safe there. I also wrote that I'd never try to hurt him back because I have actual love for him.
His exact response was—
"Lol. You're so pathetic."

That was my place to recover from past trauma, and from his abuse as well. I saw so much in him, now he seems empty. I get mad, but I feel guilt, even when I shouldn't, and I would never seek revenge or belittle his overall worth.

I didn’t respond with great class when I saw what he called me
. I was hurt and fed up. Maybe he just wanted a reaction. He got one. An angry email. Would you like to guess what happened next? I felt sick about it, because the thought that maybe he can feel sad and I hurt him with my scathing words worried me.

I was livid, but I don’t want him to
 hurt. So I sent an apology email. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t do it. I can’t act poorly without remorse. I always regret it. I should probably be mean and leave it at that sometimes. I don’t think his feelings can be hurt, or really exist.. but just in case they do and they can be—I don’t want to intentionally cause

If not wanting to hurt someone, being willing to own my mistakes, and actually caring is pathetic—then yeah, I am so pathetic.

His Push & Pull
His cruel game of back and forth went like this, all within less than one week:

I obviously enjoy creative writing, so I wrote this from his perspective—

FROM I miss you and want you so badly.

TO I have zero interest in you.

FROM you're everything and I'll do anything.

TO I'm too busy and you're being unreasonable by asking for what you want instead of only focusing on, and contorting around my sensitivities, needs, and set rules.

it was ALL my fault. I hope you can forgive me!

TO you need to stop blaming me for everything and take a look at yourself!

you're wonderful and kind.

TO you're crazy and pathetic.

FROM I understand it will be difficult and take a lot of time, but I'm all in!

TO I can't deal with this on top of everything else I have going on.

FROM I want us to get married and have children.

TO I will gladly and easily never speak to you again, because I don't want to have to work too hard through challenges I created for us, regardless of everything you've done for me and are more than willing to do. Being with me is tremendously easy and rewarding, so you can't seriously think I'd go out of my way to do something I don't want to do solely for you.

FROM I know you only expect to speak with me at reasonable times.

TO I will insinuate you selfishly expect me to call and text you while I'm at work, and that you're asking me to drop all of my responsibilities for you.

FROM I don't want you to ever feel that way again, I just want you to be happy.

TO I will deny you true communication by avoiding the topic that you clearly stated is very important to you and has you upset. Then I'll cut off communication completely when you notice the shift and insist on having an honest, productive discussion with me like I promised you would be able to do this time around, and last time too.


FROM I want it to be different this time and not be someone who makes you constantly worry about the next time I'm going to lash out or take off. You're important to me and I love the shit out of you! 

TO I'll judge you for being triggered by my blatant avoidance after you directly told me what you needed from me-which I denied you, even though I'd just spoken adamantly about my determination to provide it.

You aren't worth my effort, so I'll refuse to say a single word. I'll respond patronizingly to you being highly reactive to a situation in which I 'innocently' recreated exactly what I know caused you the most traumatic pain in our past. I'll deny forgiveness when you apologize for panicking as a result, and then continue stonewalling you.

Afterwards, I'll act shocked when it sets you off even more and you begin to spiral..I'll only focus on your feelings in respect to how they impact ME. I'll be much too busy feeling slighted or annoyed to realize that the initiating issue was not an attack from you at all, but insensitive comments and a refusal to compromise on my part. I'll ignore ALL OF THAT because the conflict could've only arisen and spun out of control because you're selfish and crazy. 

You couldn't help but to randomly act out again. Just something else that went wrong in my life for no reason at all. I'll be forced to put you back where you belong, in lower rank. You went crazy on me, like all my partners have and all my future ones will. It could've been so simple if you'd just done things in a way that would've produced exactly what I wanted! Clueless, as always..

I can't let your perspective, which I don't care about, be valid, because that would mean I'd have to reflect on my own..that much introspection isn't my jam, instead I'll unleash all my inner rage(which has nothing to do with you) to show you who's really wrong. 

It isn't inconvenient to lose or mistreat nothing, so I'll make sure that's exactly what I think you are. If you're nothing, that means the relationship ending is of no consequence to me. 

I devalue anything I fear I can't control, have, or understand, by turning it into something I don't want and that I'm far too good for, just like I did with you.

THE END- How'd I do y'all?

 My Breakdowns 

He's right, I did spew out "insane" desperate rants. 

By the way sir, many people appreciate and enjoy my rants, which is why my webpage is still active so..Pshh! I don't need your validation to know my strong emotions, logic, and panicky breakdowns make perfect sense in this type of situation.

The fact that my writings take a lot of deep thought, rational analyzations, and vulnerability does not mean they're pathetic. It just means you do not care about the topic, my thoughts, and are hateful towards me when you decide I deserve to hurt.. AKA- your punishment.

If writing it all out to see my thought process was/is not stupid, crazy, or selfish like you always told me it was-then that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I discuss those odd, intense rants, and what led up to them, below this section. He knows very well that I work on my own faults, and that I'm constantly too hard on myself already.

I was not the damaging partner while we dated, and I do hold him accountable for his abusive behavior. In the past I blamed myself. But after his birthday—

I realized that throughout the entire relationship I had been mistreated, then grossly mistreated further anytime I'd try to discuss and resolve issues created by the original mistreatment.

So if by blaming him for everything, he means I think he is responsible for all of the chaos in our relationship, the abuse, and the damage it caused.. 

Then yes, I blame him, because he did it. And if he'd own that fact, instead of twisting it around like me acknowledging reality is an offense to him, it would be productive and admirable

I have every right to 'point' because I am sick of being put down and blamed because he refuses to genuinely point at himself. It is not as though having faults makes someone worthless.

I have always seen worth and strength in him-still do. We all have issues and make mistakes, but refusing to sincerely admit to yourself your errors and aspects of yourself in need of improvement..all that does is prevent growth and better future outcomes.

Why settle for less for yourself, and also make everyone else suffer and settle for less too when some of your flaws happen to be incredibly damaging to others? I do not understand. I want to. I always try to.

Pointing at me for telling the truth, does not make me tragically flawed or mean I'm picking on him so he has to pick back. Even if I were a horrible, insane person-that would not make his abuse null or my fault.

Oh yes, I do ramble and rant (obviously). Because I have a lot to say about all of the cruel, illogical drama he created and then blamed me for to such an extent that I broke down.

The points I make in my rants are rational and valid, just as they always were during our relationship too.

The rants 'unloading' happened because he never listened to, cared about, or understood my perspective and the impact the confusion and his aggression had on me. OR because he acted like he didn't understand because he just did not care.

Either way, my mind, my needs, my experiences were never acknowledged, respected, or considered. 

Well, they were acknowledged if I brought them up, he'd acknowledge them by twisting them into something wrong, absurd, and offensive to him.
(As discussed perfectly here) So, there's that.

The entire website, including the call-recordings page, shows the extremely severe back and forth of the psychological abuse he unleashed and then blamed me for breaking down as a result of.

When he admits to the abuse, he acts like the impact it had on me came out of nowhere and is conveniently all simply because I am crazy. Even though any research on the matter would show how targets are expected to react.. And my intense behavior hits the mark.

Also, I have never, and will never, try to blackmail or humiliate him, especially with people who know him. I do not include his full name nor try to contact anyone with recordings of him admitting to horrid things, and likely telling big falsehoods.

I would never, because I have NO desire to hurt him. I actually loved him. How does he expect me to have no fear, paranoia, or anger after what he knows I am recovering from and of the detrimental impact it had on my mental health- which I've told him about explicitly multiple times?

There is just no care, but he convinces me there is before yanking it away each time while saying I deserve the hurt he is dishing out.

Losing your temper is one thing, as is a mental breakdown or acting impulsively, but to intentionally set out to damage someone..No.

He jumped right at throwing that threat out, as if he hasn't harmed me enough. As if me going off about his mistreatment because it felt uncertain and like deja vu..

Then me freaking out when he decided stonewalling wasn't an abusive selfish, triggering thing to do to someone recovering from psychological abuse (which frequently involved painful stonewalling after he'd incite a strong emotional hurt/stressor- like suddenly threatening departure right after sharing his desire to prove his determination to change was real and that he wanted to marry me) warrants punishment, or makes him the person in charge of teaching me a lesson.

He is not my parent, and telling me he's going to do something as a threat is additional abuse that further unveils the core issues— His need for control and a sense of superiority.

My therapist already knows about my rants and their bizarre nature. She specializes in domestic violence and assured me, when I talked about my guilt and shame for having acted in such a manner, that this type of huge response is to be expected and that many abuse victims go through it.

I still think I did wrong by being too harsh and not having enough self-control to stop when I was upset. I was so desperate for him to break the cruel silence.

I have no interest in harming him, embarrassing him, or ever speaking to him again. Him obviously trying to hurt me with his last text(again) made all the 'in love' feelings instantly vanish..so I appreciate it did some good.

He's the one who keeps coming back saying he knows it was all his fault and that he wants us to get married...then during his exits it suddenly is no longer his fault-it's my mental health's.

He'll abuse any partner he ever has if he denies he is the merciless instigator, and eventually the people closest to him will catch on to the pattern. I always tried to build him up until he would break me down by only focusing on himself.

And for someone who said they recently brandished a gun at a red light (which is illegal) because some random driver was rude and pissed him off to then call me "fucking crazy" for freaking out after a year of getting abused/toyed with, and then threaten to try to hurt me by sharing my personal texts I sent at my lowest point...is just cruel, hypocritical, and once more abusive behavior

I despise his lack of both empathy and respect for others..and possibly his refusal to admit the reality of what and who causes these messes. Me pointing it out and not being ok with the fact that it seems to be happening again it is not me claiming to be perfect, I should never have responded to his text or email.

Hopefully I'll do better if there's a next time. But, the blame and shame for abuse does not belong on the target/victim-no matter how hard he tries to convince me otherwise. When I get ignored and treated horribly, I have the right to stand up for myself.

And yeah. When someone who hurt you, and has already left some traumatic scars on your psyche, returns and starts recreating the exact same stuff they did to cause the original injury... it can make you temporarily lose your damn mind!

He cannot make me hate him or want bad things for him. He just can't. That isn't how I feel or think towards him, he just easily devalues/hates and discards me repeatedly. I'm done. The average is seven times..I'm good with five. Message received loud and clear D.B. You tore me apart, and now you hate ME- again. 

I'm sorry you stay so angry. I am always miserable while triggered, and I fear you are in that state constantly. I hope it gets better for you, and that you are able to at least have and be content with something meaningful that helps settle your inner rage. You do not deserve to live feeling like everything and everyone is hostile towards you. You just don't..and neither did I.

He always leaves after expressing that I'm the problem, and that I'm unworthy of his time, kindness, or proper closure. He'll have to find another scapegoat and emotional punching bag. The fact that I care does not change the fact that he needs to stay gone.

I knew letting him back in was unhealthy, but denying D.B. feels like cutting off one of my own limbs. Guess it's time to amputate. :/

He "Loved" Me
When It Was Useful or Convenient

I asked him to please show me that I was wrong and that he was sincere. He never did. He actually refused. 

He attended a therapy session with me, and later left a polite voicemail in response to my emotional texts. But he then refused to take my calls or reply to my pleas for communication via text afterward, even on my birthday only a couple of days later.

He had said he would celebrate my birthday with me. He said that he had a gift he was nervous, but also really excited about. 

He spoke loudly and laughed when he said "You'll freak out and think it's too soon." I asked if it was something funny, and he said, "No, it's not funny at all. I promise you that no boyfriend has ever gotten you this." 

He asked me if I wanted to get married in a Catholic church, and mentioned distant future scenarios with he and my kid, and invited me to go to Houston for week during his spring break. 

He claimed he'd prove he was serious this time by still being around by the time my birthday arrived. â€”He wasn't.

He wouldn't even respond to me, and he definitely didn't say "Happy birthday." He had done what he always does. 


…just like every other time he antagonized me with a reappearance and declarations of love and a desire to marry, rapidly followed by a disregard for my feelings, baffling contradictions, and a horribly cold exit.

I wrote out/ journaled all my emotional thoughts (here: Not Poetry) right before he did 'it' again. He wasn't the only one, I also pulled my usual mess too and desperately wanted what he declared he had for me.

I expected to matter, and then freaked out and blew up his phone with bajillion texts when I felt he started treating me like I didn't. I was actually extremely angry and mean, I unleashed so much pent up rage. I feel horrible about it.

I don't care if my fears and suspicions were all wrong or were 100% right, being ugly to a person like that just doesn't feel good. Although, maybe accepting the ugly things about him would help me move on. 

Regardless..I don't understand how anyone who is frequently cruel can sleep at night, if going off on someone while triggered makes me feel like a complete monster. It hurts to hurt someone, or at least it does for me. 

The panic was not pretty. Because now when I get really scared I..'porcupine?' and spiral down. I feel disgustingly guilty; as I believe I should for being hateful. 

Even if he would have said it were all true, that he didn't care at all, it still would feel wrong for me to be so..unkind. In my opinion, it was not justified to handle my frustration and anxiety that way. I'm not ok with it. At all. 

I'll share the reason I got so worked up, but it still doesn't make me feel like any less of a jerk.

 I Snapped 
What Short-Circuited My Brain

I asked him during three separate phone calls within two days if he wanted what he had recently declared he wanted and if he cared for me, and he told me he didn't have time to 'get into it.' So yeah, it didn't feel good.

When asked "Do you care about me and want XYZ?" He responded like it was an argumentative and difficult/loaded question..it wasn't.. Not if he meant everything he said less than a week prior. A simple "Yes" or "Of course" would have more than sufficed. 

And I didn't just ask him once and he missed it.. I asked during the first phone call when I spoke to him about being upset and scared, and then he mentioned something that will always freak me out.. he knows after he blindsided me multiple times with harsh exits...each time it happens it triggers deep wounds, including the horrid abrupt-abandonment one he created on his birthday..)

I understood when he said what I shared (big fears and self-doubt after an appointment) angered him.. but I was talking to him about me hurting and asking for reassurance, and all the focus went to how what was hurting me upset him.. instead of staying on me and the pain I was in.

But he is human, and stressed. So even though the conversation immediately went straight to how it impacted him and as he shared how difficult it was making things for him.. how angry it made him and how he couldn't deal with it or win against something so stressful.. I wasn't angry with him.


I was upset because I told him that something had me scared and hurt, then his comments about it left me much more hurt and afraid.

His feedback was just him saying how much it bothered him and how it was, once again, too much.

He made it all about how what I was struggling with was causing him to struggle.

He made it all about himself and didn’t even bother to tend to me and the pain I brought up in the first place! :( 

He didn't try to convince me that my fears were unnecessary and that he'd prove it (like he always says he will do when he comes back). He knows he guides me so easily. If he would've just said, "It'll all be ok" or "I meant it." Boom! I would've been able to breathe more easily. 

He always lets me know me wanting to rely on him and feel secure is too much. It really shouldn't be. I just want to be able to relax and enjoy the time I have with the people in my life. I just wanted to know where we stood.
I always focused on him and still do. WHY is it bad when I expect him to consider me first sometimes, regardless of how it may bother him or may not be easy for him??

Is that selfish and bad of me? Am I selfish too? Probably. But even though the lack of focus on my needs wasn't ideal, I still wouldn't have bailed or refused communication with him afterwards. 

I figured he was trying, and that we could talk it out later. I knew he had a lot on his plate. I understood how it could have been upsetting to him. I always try to see his perspective. 

Soo I waited for my turn to have my feelings and needs matter, but still haven't gotten it.. Which is precisely what leads to his phone getting blown up too. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not that that makes saying harsh things to him alright. It doesn't. 

I asked him again that same night, then again when he called on break at work after the initial 'not getting into it.' So probably more than three times within two days.. Now I feel even more rejected and stupid.

I felt like he was gaslighting by insinuating my question was wrong, pushy, provoking when I knew very well it was not.

That tripped me out because it was a simple, understandable inquiry..so I snapped! I figured I fell for it again. I didn't think I was wrong about him, but I was hoping I was wrong.

I didn't expect him to talk to me while he was at work or have a five hour conversation. But I wanted a real conversation that didn't go in circles due to blocking/avoidance and lack of focus on more than his needs and frustrations would have been so productive. 

He acted like I expected him to drop everything for me, I didn't...But I did expect for him to contact me after work and actually finish the conversation without some reason to avoid it like school, gaming, or a bad mood...because he knew it was important to me. I had told him it was, and that I was hurting. 

If the same conversation or issue hasn't been completed or resolved after three calls.. that means someone is blocking crucial compromise and peace! 

You don't just leave a big conflict or problem floating up in the air and drag out the tension, negativity, and confusion. 

That's not helpful or good at all! It is avoidance and puts the person trying to resolve the issue in a healthy manner/communication on high alert (fight or flight.) It is painful and prevents peace of mind(safety). You can make time to return a call before bed for something that is important..for someone. 

We had been talking about the BIG triggering thing he said and I was crying. I had to get off the phone to pick my kid up, and asked D.B. if we could finish the conversation later that night..He said yes, and we never did.

He texted around midnight saying he'd been playing games with the boys and was going to bed in a good mood. I felt so unimportant and hurt. I wasn't alright that we never resolved the issue..not even a little bit and he knew I was hurt and heard me crying hours prior. 

I couldn't understand how he didn't care that I was so upset and was able to just go enjoy himself and sleep instead of fix things with me with a simple conversation. It reminded me of being pushed aside and not considered in the past. 

It reminded me of how he used to create bigger more painful conflicts in the past by trying to avoid the original conflict that we could've easily settled 🤦🏻‍♀️. 

It made me question what I was trying to believe in even more. Was he playing mind games or was that just how he functions trying to avoid uncomfortable situations? or both? I didn't sleep AT ALL. 

I had two pots of coffee the next morning. You can answer a simple question honestly to ease someone's mind when they tell you they need to hear it. Maybe it wasn't intentional cruelty, but..I wasn't considered at all. That's how it felt. 

OK, back to my spazzing out rage thing-

I remembered always being made to feel I was to blame for insecurities he would create in the past.. 

And I didn't want to be told my question was the problem when his avoidance and refusal to say a simple word was why I was upset..

because it made no logical sense to me that it would be difficult for him to say something that he had just said with such conviction mere days prior, especially since I was letting him know how badly I needed to hear it. 

To me, it came across as withholding and crazy-making. I did not take the rejection, insecurity, confusion, and pain it caused me well. 

To me, that is understandable and a rational analyzation of the situation.

Maybe I am wrong..but the thing is, I forgave him for much worse.. So if he meant all he said he wanted and felt, him refusing forgiveness for my outburst doesn't make sense at all.

It always ends up not making sense with what I want to believe about him, doesn't it? Why can't I fully accept it then? Why do I want to be wrong and for him to be right.. I fell for it again everyone..I keep falling for it. It hurts. It is not alright.

I don't want to feel like a conquest or someone in a never ending game of tug of war.

I want to be strong enough to shut him out if he truly does not ,or cannot, care. I'm just trying to understand what is going on while in a major brain fog. I'm likely right, but me being a major butt was wrong. 

I'm not going to lie about when I fall, that's a big part of this webpage..to provide an honest look into the impact psychological abuse has on cognitive function..(even after the abuse has ended) It isn't simple to accept or to heal from, but it's possible-it can just get pretty ugly sometimes.🤷🏻‍♀️

Healing from the past takes time, and building trust takes patience, reassurance, and commitment..
Something this gentleman has displayed zero interest in providing.

If he runs when I expect him to stand by his big beautiful words, or when I expect the same curtesy in regards to forgiveness, effort, and consideration. I will learn eventually.

If someone knows you are hurting, and just lets you keep suffering even though they know they have the power to alleviate the pain.. what is that??

I mean, when you tell them all you need is them to answer a question or say what they just said days before to settle your mind.. 

That means they know their response holds a lot of power.. So why would they not provide what will help the other person??

Unless of course, they like holding that power, they don't care if you keep hurting, or they would rather do what they feel like in the moment OR all of the above?.. 

Is my logic about that irrational? Seems sound. 

It is possible someone could refuse simply because they are so selfish that how it impacts you doesn't cross their mind or faze them when it does. It certainly doesn't feel loving. 

That should drive the point home to me that he doesn't care. How many times does he have to show me before my heart catches on. It is not easy. 

I made an entire website due to the pain the neglect, the inconsideration, and the abuse created..but yet, if he says he is sorry and that he DOES care..here I am again. One day I will be healed and moved on. 

When he asks for chances to show me I was wrong, he always leaves me eventually feeling more right. I would rather be wrong.

I don't feel great and certain now. But he is stonewalling me. You don't go from love of someone's life and a couple's therapy session, to refusing all communication for days. I was wrong in how I handled my anger..and I know his past abuse doesn't make it ok for me to lash out too. 

It isn't about keeping score and he owing me, but does it make sense for me to expect for him to give me mercy after everything? 

Is it wrong for me to feel kind of wronged by him if he can't even, forgive me, fight for me, and acknowledge me after everything I have fought through, forgiven, and stood by? 

Is it selfish to feel all my love, pain, and devotion should have earned me reciprocated love and to be put first sometimes too? 

I know I am worth that much, and I want someone who claims to love me to act like they think I am worth it too..

I hope this denial or whatever it is passes soon. Is this cognitive dissonance? Denial? Love? Trauma bond? Stupidity? All of the above???

You checked in today D.B., just two days after I started this page. Welcome back? I know I am not strong enough to ignore you, or weak enough to hate you..but I’m fighting for myself now-instead of solely for you. I hope that knowing you still have power when it
comes to my emotions helps you feel whatever it is you need to get through your day..if that’s all you want. I’m going to be ok. I know I shouldn’t respond to you, but I’m just not there yet. I’m not good at not caring about you, kind of wish some of your indifference would’ve rubbed off on me by now. I’m tired of getting hurt.

As soon as I speak to you again I see that good in you that I thought I saw in the past all over again, and then all of my big talk and strength collapses
🤦🏻‍♀️💔 Have mercy. Please.