Stonewalling is when a person withdraws from a conversation or discussion and refuses to address your concerns. They may choose to outright ignore your requests, not speak at all, respond with dismissive, invalidating replies or evade responding appropriately altogether by giving vague responses that refuse to answer your original questions.
Although the silent treatment may appear to be the absence of communication, it actually communicates significantly damaging messages to the target, such as "You're not worth responding to. Your thoughts and feelings don't matter to me. You don't matter."
- Control Through Silence
- Stress & Emotional Trauma
- Stonewalling Begets Gaslighting
- Everyday Silent Treatment
- Why & How Narcissists Use the Silent Treatment
- The Ultimate Discard of You Worth
- Silent Treatment After Breakup
- Silent Treatment to Generate Supply
- Silent Treatment When You Need Support
- Ways the Relationship May Reunite
- How to Heal for Real - Personal Examples
- Control Through Silence
- Stress & Emotional Trauma
- Stonewalling Begets Gaslighting
- Everyday Silent Treatment
- Why & How Narcissists Use the Silent Treatment
- The Ultimate Discard of You Worth
- Silent Treatment After Breakup
- Silent Treatment to Generate Supply
- Silent Treatment When You Need Support
- Ways the Relationship May Reunite
- How to Heal for Real - Personal Examples
Control Through Silence

Initially the narcissist idealizes, pursues, and love bombs their target. In the devaluation phase of a narcissistic relationship, the tables are turned and the victim is provoked into trying to "win over" the narcissist.
The toxic partner abruptly withdraws from their victim, unwilling to respond for a period of time with little to no explanation whatsoever.
This silent treatment causes their partner excessive anxiety, fear and a persistent sense of self-doubt.
When a narcissist stonewalls you or subjects you to the silent treatment, they want you to respond. They want you to chase after them and "beg" for their attention. They want to provoke you. They want to control and diminish you.
The silent treatment and stonewalling can have actual effects on the brain. Research indicates that such behaviors are a form of ostracism which activates the anterior cingulate cortex, the same part of the brain that detects physical pain.
Being ignored can leave someone feeling injured - literally. These effects can linger powerfully for the victim, causing fresh abandonment wounds and reinforcing old ones.
Occasionally in a relationship, someone might want a "break" from communicating to cool off. When that happens, both partners communicate that this is what they need. They do so in a manner that is both respectful and considerate.
Stonewalling by a narcissistic partner, however, is different. It is callous, cold and charged with manipulative intent. Toxic partners like these use stonewalling as a way to further their abuse and to cause their victims intense emotional pain.
Normal, healthy partners might stonewall as a way to get out of conflict, but toxic and manipulative partners do so as a way to one-up their victims and provoke them into losing emotional control.
So long as the victim is driven to "win back" the toxic person, the stonewaller is able to continue to ignore the victim's needs while the victim doubles their efforts to please them.
In relationships, stonewalling is the emotional equivalent to cutting off someone's oxygen.
The emotional detachment inherent to stonewalling is a form of abandonment and the effect that it has on a victim is dramatic.
The initial feelings of terror - which are usually below the water line of awareness - are typically followed by secondary feelings of anger and, then, aggressive efforts to get some emotional reaction - any emotional reaction - even a negative one.
And when these efforts fail, the internal response for the target is predictable. He doesn't care. He doesn't love me. He's left me.
The Silent Treatment Can CauseStress & Emotional Trauma
A person who is the target of the silent treatment can feel very intense negative emotions.
Ignoring a person means that they are worth nothing, that they don't matter.
Things become even more unhealthy when all this is happening in a cruel and cold silence, which the victim doesn't know how to interpret.
Stonewalling Begets Gaslighting
You're feeling neglected by your partner. So naturally, you want to talk to him about it.
You want to confront him and find out what the problem is.
But all you're getting in return is dead silence followed by the statement that you're making a big deal out of it.
He'll convince you that you're making a big fuss out of nothing.
His tactic is to gaslight you and make you believe in lies which work in his favor.
This upsets you, and you foolishly fall into his trap and try to explain yourself, but he doesn't want to hear it, so he rejects you.
You feel sad and upset at the same time because you were tricked into thinking that you did something wrong, but you didn't.
But the catch in his brainwashing tactic is the behavior he presents the day after. He acts as if nothing happened.
If you bring up the subject again, he coldly answers that you have problems which you need to deal with yourself.
He disregarded your feelings and redirected the conversation in the direction that suited him.
With his actions, he made you feel tense and traumatized.
In normal relationships, this could have ended on a completely different note. You could have solved the problem if he agreed to talk about it.
Ignoring a narcissist is a very hard thing to do. Their manipulative tactics don't leave you any choice but to react to their provocations.
That is actually their main goal-to get a reaction out of you, preferably a negative one, so they can feed their egos and feel good about themselves.
Stonewalling/silent treatment is their favorite manipulation method when they want to punish you for something.
You haven't been acting the way they wanted you to. Maybe you've come to your senses and sobered up for a moment. That scared them.
They get scared that if you realize you deserve so much better. That threatens to take away their Narcissistic Supply.
You won't give them what they need to keep on going. So, they need to punish you and emotionally destroy you to keep you in your place.
Their purpose is to diminish you and regain their control over you. They want to make you feel invisible.
They want you to feel insignificant, as if it doesn't make any difference if you live or die.
They are playing with your mind to get your confidence very low, so you're easily controlled.
What happens next is that you don't want to be invisible.
You’re fighting it, so you can come back to them and ask for their approval and attention.
Withdrawing their partner like this is extremely damaging to a relationship.
You ask to be visible once again.
That was their plan all along-to destroy you by stonewalling and make you beg him to notice you once again.
That's when you're easily controlled, and that's when he has restored his peace.
Everyday Silent Treatment
If you don't and you remain calm the narcissist will simply up the ante and make sure they keep ignoring you until you do react.
The narcissistic silent treatment would go on for days on end, and even though I was feeling so low, worthless and intensely insecure and panicked I would do everything I could not to bite and get involved.
Why & How Narcissists Use the Silent Treatment
We all know what it is to ignore or be ignored - we may have snubbed someone at sometime in our life, or we may have been given the "cold shoulder" ourselves. We all clearly know silent treatment means this: "I disapprove of you or something you've done". However, this cruel action - narcissistic silent treatment - is a lot more impactful than merely being brushed off by someone.
The silent treatment is the ultimate weapon of narcissists.
The insane thing about it is, the narcissist may decide to grant no explanation whatsoever for days, weeks, months or even a lifetime. Truly, there are people who experience narcissistic silent treatment who never have any explanation or closure as to why.
In fact, at first, they thought something terrible has happened to the narcissist and that's why he or she 'disappeared'. But, usually, this is a pattern and we discover once this happens, it will continue to happen again and again.
Please know, if the narcissist is using this weapon against you, and you stick around to receive it - it will keep coming - until the often inevitable ultimate discard.
The Ultimate Discard of Your Worth
Silent Treatment After a Breakup
Using Silent Treatment to Generate Supply
Clearly, when narcissists go missing in action (MIA) this is when they are usually up to no good. It is such a relief for narcissists to escape the confinement of being "an average human" which is repugnant to their False Self. Narcissists crave the extra curriculum activates that feed their need for drama, significance, fresh supply and excitement.
Silent Treatment When You Need Support
Ways the Relationship May Reunite After Silent Treatment
How to Heal for Real
Physical Repercussions
Studies have been done that show that feeling excluded or ignored can cause changes in the brain. A zone of the human brain called the "anterior cingulate cortex" is responsible for detecting different levels of pain. Scientists have proven that this zone is activated when someone receives the silent treatment. Activation in this zone means that physical symptoms also start to appear.