Reality of No Contact
I thought I should have left his phone number blocked after the main discard, and I definitely knew I needed to after he returned and hurt me a month later. I knew I should have blocked him out. But I didn't. I missed him for some reason. I always do.
I'm not quite arrogant enough to say with absolute certainty that he will try to come back for a fifth time, but that has been his pattern. He has left me five times and come back four after making me believe I'd never hear from him again. I will leave his number blocked, because this abuse cycle is psychological torture he has no desire end.
Each time he left (after expressing I was horrible, crazy & undeserving of him) I would initially block his number. Mainly because I was too hurt to handle anymore of his sharp, customized insults-He becomes some vicious creature instead of the man I love. Yet, every single time he left, something would happen. It still happens now.
My mind goes back.
I'll remember how I felt in those few good moments between us.
I will remember how hard I tried, and how much I trusted him.
I will remember how amazing it felt when I thought he and I were both in the relationship for honorable reasons, like love and practicality.
I’ll remember that incredibly indescribable warmth I'd feel when I’d see his face or he'd take my hand.
No Contact is strongly advised for survivors of narcissistic abuse. No Contact is also ridiculously challenging for a lot of us. Some days the thought of never speaking to him again fills me with relief and empowerment. Other days, the thought hurts with the disorienting pain I felt the first time he blindsided me.
—An awful feeling I’m trying my best not to avoid, because I know facing it is the only way to heal and grow. I'm facing it all one.. aspect of it at a time. I'll get there. I can do this.
He could do it for himself too..if he'd try. Maybe I'm still being naive..but I think he could do it..I think he's strong enough.. I feel like there's beauty in him.. the anger, denial, pain, and fear just..hide it. The people he hurts deserve better, but so does he. He deserves better. He deserves peace and acceptance. I hope he finds it. I'm not sure why he won't try, and I wish I could somehow magically make his life better, but I can't.. that's not my place.. It's his.
Closing the door is not easy, no matter how much I need to. I have always ended up unblocking his number. This time around, I came very close to changing my phone number and removing his number from any emails, screenshots or writings so that I could never be tempted to reach out.
I’ve endured agonizing pain due to this man’s malicious mistreatment. I don’t want to suffer needlessly anymore. I don't want to neglect my child. I don't want to become so broken down that I can't help anyone else.
The shame each time I let him back in my life is no picnic either. His neglect, abuse and deceitfulness caused senseless destruction to someone that was only trying to help him build. I feel ashamed, but I know all the shame belongs to him.
No Contact is space. I will deal with the pain of accepting I’ll never speak to him again in order to protect myself from the far more severe pain his mistreatment causes. I have moments of weakness.
It's not alright to hurt people the way he does. Now I know, so now it is on me. That doesn't mean I deserve the pain he'll inflict if I fall again. That doesn't mean I am abusing myself. It just means I am now more aware, and that I am going to try my very best to act accordingly in future
I gave him several chances to prove his words right and my feelings wrong. Yet, all he did with each opportunity was hurt me and let me down.
D.B. taught me that if I give him a chance to hurt me, he will. Whatever is broken within him makes him want to break me.
No Contact is all I can do, because the only thing he can do consistently, is cause me as much pain as possible. He will not take an opportunity to help, do good, or strengthen his character.
This is not what I wanted, but I never deserved to be treated badly.