Done Chasing
Dooming Himself
Done Chasing
Dooming Himself
If I’m feeling strong he seems to rush back into my life to attempt to prove he is stronger. He is either tearing me down with words and extended silence to make me feel small, or he's buttering me up with fleeting kindness and attention just to then vanish right afterwards and drive me insane.
One day all the people you’ve wronged will wake up and run away, and you’ll have no more moves to make. You’ll only have you because that’s all you’ve made your life about.
Always pulling people in just so you can have the power to push them out—letting nothing and no one stop you from getting your way.
Call me crazy so the truth can seem unreal.
Deny you want things until you have nothing to do but drown in regret.
Call what destroys others drama, to reassure yourself how much you don’t care is what‘s normal.
Lie so you don’t have to risk being unforgiven.
Cheat and take to get what you want, to prove to yourself that you don’t need anyone.
Loyalty and commitment repulse you because you are afraid to give any woman that much ‘control’ over you.
Lead women on, use them to make sure nothing can ever last—sabotage yourself with the lie that you’re just having fun, when the truth is you’re only shutting down possibilities and keeping yourself numb.
Assume the worst about all you have so you can never appreciate anything wonderful you‘ve been given.
Believe kindness and love are stupid so you can pretend they’re no threat to the negative space in which you choose to live in.
Act like you want things to turn golden, when you’re the one who keeps it dark by refusing to put the work in.
Never face it, keep standing in your own way.
Rearrange things to convince yourself your way is how to maintain order, even though facing the list of dire consequences only keeps getting harder.
You are unsure of yourself. It keeps you frozen. You’re afraid something is horribly wrong with you.
During my last interaction with D.B., I noticed how differently I was seeing things. I’ve never wanted to approach any relationship or person with the negative, dead-end interpretation I now have.
Reducing our relationship to what it‘s likely always been leaves an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. Still, that discomfort is nothing in comparison to the damage left behind anytime I’ve trusted in his words.
I always held out a tiny bit of hope that maybe one day. Then suddenly, this time around I saw no future. I felt certain that the situation was completely hopeless.
That led to me feeling something a little new.. I felt a different, slightly darker version of acceptance. I discovered a taste of apathy.
The abuse, being repeatedly blindsided and abandoned, it made me give up on ‘us’ and on trust. It was freeing to cut off some of the feelings that he kept using as avenues to my destruction.
Unfortunately, love and concern for him have stubbornly remained. But..where there used to be this hopeful thought that ‘Maybe one day..’ in its place there was suddenly- ‘It’s never gonna happen.’ ‘It can’t happen.’ ‘He doesn’t love you now, he didn’t love you then, and he sure as hell won’t love you later’
Oddly, enough the new resigned outlook was soothing.
It brought me comfort to know my dreams could no longer be crushed and my trust could no longer be broken, because I no longer have either.
If I have no belief in him and us, I cannot be let down. Without trusting him, he cannot blindside me by viciously breaking my heart all over again.
I can tell you that being blindsided the moment you begin to feel safe and certain, is the most hellish anguish I’ve experienced. He did it repeatedly.
In the past, I always had enough faith in his claims of what we were to at least question my perspective..
Time and time again I have seen what occurs when I put even the slightest bit of trust or hope into his version of things. Well, that’s why putting faith in him has led to me having a conversion.
No longer having belief in the version of us he says is real is what led to him becoming what I’ve always been to him- a placeholder.
Not that I am proud of that fact.. I only referred to him as being a placeholder recently because I wanted to spend time with him, even though I knew we were going nowhere. We cannot go anywhere, because he doesn't want to.
This July I went from knowing to prepare myself for the usual, to fully accepting ‘the usual’ was already in the process of happening. So I locked my sweet, trusting, devoted, hopeful and vulnerable self up and went into survival mode. Obviously I am not proficient at this yet, it goes against what I want to do. But I’m still impressed with the fact that I was able to do it at all with him around.
I hate how someone with whom you wanted to spend forever with, can transition into being a way to kill some pain and pass the time.
He knew I wanted to talk to him, that’s why he blocks me—he’d rather the control and power to withhold. Too bad that's starting to get old..nah, it is old already.
This July, when D.B. spoke of wanting a future and kids with me, I knew he did not mean it. I shut my heart down anytime it would start to feel at ease or happy while he was here.
I don’t like having a ‘placeholder’ because it feels like using someone..unless the using is mutual, but D.B. insisted on pretending he wanted a future and that he was trying.
People who are trying don’t block your number and run away after saying that they wouldn’t. He refused to be honest about his intentions.
For him to win me back, he’d have to do a hell of a lot more work for a hell of a lot longer than he’d ever be willing to do. It’d take a miracle. So it’s not happening. The thing is, he doesn’t want to be with me, he just wants me to think he does. If he wanted to be with me, he would be.
All I expect from him now is all he’s ever truly offered me— nothing.
Done Chasing
I am not difficult to love or want, but he acted like it would take extreme efforts to do either.
NO. I offered him everything. I was willing and wanting to be his wife, mother his children, forgive all wrongs, work with him, and work on myself.
He has caused me a great deal of pain, but no matter how well I can recall and discuss it, my mind isn't stuck there in the same way it used to be anymore. Something has changed.
I suppose he made his nightmare a reality, by taking over mine. He acts like he cannot see me unless he's looking for what isn't good enough, or for what nice things I have for him to take and/or break.
I'm not fully healed, but I am definitely making great progress in the recovery. I've given up on 'us' because I know he is only messing with me.
I know he thinks I am less than him. I know he likes that I have love for him, but I don't mind if he likes it or if he likes having my attention.
I want him to be happy. If looking down on me and feeling powerful because, at this time, he and the consequence of his abuse play an active role in my life, then so be it.. Glad to help. I was never trying to harm or deprive him anyway.
I was willing to commit to stand by him forever. He never earned or deserved any of that. I accepted him without pause; the only thing he ever did without hesitation was run.
He can keep running, but he’ll eventually be too exhausted to keep going.. By the time he finally stops and desires to stand still, he’ll realize he’s ended up all alone out in the middle of nowhere with absolutely nothing.