Written 10/2020 & 2/2021
I’ll be adding some of the massive messages, which D.B. labeled 'Pathetic Rants' from last time he hoovered (Hoover 4 ) just in time for my birthday. Cute move sir, especially after what you did to me on your birthday (The MAIN Discard).
Allowed to Be Angry
- He Deserved Better?
- His Double Standards
- Rage-Rant
- My Mirror
- Things I Spoke Up About
- Note to D.B.
- Let's Talk About ME
- What I'll be Missing
- I Can't Hope
He Deserved Better?
Shortly after he hoovers me back in, he always claims he's leaving again due to something being horribly wrong with me and my behavior. 🤦🏻♀️
During one of his discards he sent a goodbye text in which he was kind enough to inform me he'd met someone at work that day who was "sweet and beautiful with no baggage."
That vindictive little boy wanted me to know he was getting an 'upgrade' because I was holding him back. 😂
Cough. Mhmm. Sure buddy. I guess that undeserved pride of yours cannot handle the truth. You never deserved a second of my time.
Project your unworthiness onto me, but it won't alter that disgusting sort of person you're choosing to be in reality.
He sure showed me!
Now he will take his deeply desirable qualities to a more deserving woman.
She'll be lucky enough to experience his incredibly sexy and beneficial:
mind games
false hope
silent treatments
one-sided conversations
low drive
non existent life goals
empty promises
extreme irritability
passive aggression
double standards
harsh outbursts
vapid interests
grand total of 3 outfits
emotional unavailability
negative assumptions
self-victimization while victimizing others
—Every woman's dream!
An unfeeling, abusive 40 year old man who offers nothing, yet acts like he is God's gift to women and way too badass to settle for someone he never deserved in the first place. How impressive.
He did not deserve better than me. I'm a wonderful woman, he just wanted something easier.
Easier for him being, he gets whatever the hell he wants and doesn't have to do a damn thing or face consequences for his inexcusable actions.
He doesn't think he should have to do anything he doesn't want to, especially if it's for someone else. God forbid he doesn't get something out if it. He sees no point.
He's convinced he deserves the best, even though in reality he is the absolute worst.
He expected me to stay positive, happy and act like myself while he kicked me around, mistreated me and after he beat into my head that I was never good enough.
Then, when as a consequence of his abuse, I became sad, confused, lost, and broken down he blamed me and ran off to find someone who he hadn't drained of life and joy yet.
Why should he bother doing the inner work to become a better man when he can simply play pretend until it gets too close to taking effort, then run off?
He will break anything good. No woman will be good enough because his idealization isn't who a person is, it is what he wants and expects from them. And when that idealized girl doesn't do what he wants or expects she becomes trash as he projects all the bad that is actually his onto her.
He also gets bored and resentful of her dissatisfaction over being neglected and treated poorly.. because her wanting better (to not be abused) means he's being expected to 'try' and partake in nurturing the relationship. So he does the bare minimum until the partner catches on and requires actual effort and care- like IN A REAL RELATIONSHIP IN WHICH IT IS ABOUT BOTH PARTNERS!
You aren't supposed to enter a relationship and love someone for YOU, for what YOU can 'get' out of it.
He will die alone or with a woman he's turned into a miserable, scared shell of herself. Nothing will ever be what he wants. He is entitled and makes normal feel crazy.
I don't know what is wrong with him or why..but whether it be NPD, ASPD, BPD, a combo..Whatever it is, the concentration of extreme narcissism is apparent and overwhelming..and very relevant as to why this website exists.
His Double Standards
(Written During Hoover 3)
Expecting him to stand by his words, hold himself accountable, and act respectably was foolish of me.
I went from the woman of his dreams/future wife, to the most insane, unworthy person in the world as soon as I was in need and expected him to be what he had claimed to be only a few days prior- Attack & POOF! As always..
This man repeatedly bullied his own girlfriend, and then told her she was the one misstepping and underserving of his time and the relationship.
Here's how I was too damaged or carrying too much baggage for him y'all:
- I have cPTSD, which I responsibly treat with medication and therapy.
- I like to talk a lot. AND love to listen while having meaningful conversations. Which I don't need to constantly have. But when you are getting to know someone, couples need to speak to one another. He would have plenty to say when it came to tearing me down, or sex, or about his anger and disapproval over anything I needed, or him sharing BIG lies about game-changing revelations he‘d have about how he was going to start treating me better (those lengthy monologues/ speeches that he'd drop just in time to keep me hopeful about our relationship)
- I expect a partner to want me, care about my well-being, desire to make me feel good, and not intentionally harm me.
- I don't expect to be the center of the universe, but I expect to be a priority to someone I prioritize and who claims to love me. (Someone to care about how my day went, or at least how my week is going, what I want, what I think, and what I feel.)I don't need gifts, fancy and cheesy romantic gestures, or all of someone's time, but I want to be wanted and missed by my partner within reason.
- I want someone to want to kiss me, hold me, and to simply be near me sometimes. More than once or twice a month.
- I don't want to be called degrading names or randomly accused of horrible things I'd never do. It hurts.
- I can't handle total hypocrisy or being completely ignored for days.
- I'm crushed by complete inconsideration, hate, and abrupt abandonment-which is something he's known about me since day one.
- That's it. I require honesty, kindness, and mutual respect.
ignored, neglected, unappreciated, patronized, misled, abused, blindsided, and abandoned repeatedly.
WHY am I always the one who has to be strong for him, tough it out, and try to understand where he is coming from no matter how badly he behaves?..
Well, to send a message to end 'us' in that manner (in which his intent to cause me great pain was glaringly transparent) after e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. he knew about my love for him, my heart/ who I really am, and how much he had already hurt me-To say those things to me and dispose of me like I'm defective, worthless trash-again-That's disturbing cruelty...That's the epitome of narcissistic abuse.
Why is the full responsibility for making everything alright between us always placed on me? I have to do exactly what he wants, talk when he wants, and talk how he wants-or else chaos and his abandonment ensues.
Couples are supposed to meet each other's needs through compromise and good intentions.
I always have to go all the way to him by myself, far from myself, to meet him wherever it is he's at. Where I'm coming from, my needs, my perspective, and my reasons don't matter because he pulls me from my side all the way to his instead of meeting me in the middle- he doesn't budge. He just firmly digs his heels into the ground and drags me across.
This is like a journal entry and me spewing as he accurately labeled it. I'd rather write bizarre- but logical, rants about the injustice of being abused than to be an abusive monster.
He acts like I am the worse person..ha! He can try to shame me again for writing a lot if he wishes, but I DON'T CARE. Who is he to insult me??. As arrogant and unnatural as that feels for me to say, I am just now getting to the point where I'm accepting that I am a better person than he is- I think most everyone is.
How you treat people is WHO YOU ARE.
He still has some of my respect, but not as much as he demands from everyone whilst he gives NONE in return. His behavior warrants him nothing but basic respect that every person deserves, because he is a person...technically.
Getting talked down to, taken advantage of, deceived, abandoned, manipulated, hurt, oppressed--AKA ABUSED- is a valid reason for me to be irate. To be abused is a violation of my basic right to be treated as an innately valuable human being. I am a person and that is exactly why I am pissed off about it. He had no right. Nobody has the right to push others around.
He does not have the right or qualifications to be the ruler over ANYONE- He is no more worthy than anyone else.
Why does he have the right to treat others poorly?
He'd say, "Who do you think you are!?"And in response to that, I have to ask who does he think he is!?!?
I‘m Erinn, I am a person who loved you, suffered for you, tried her best, spoiled you, supported you, forgave you for the unforgivable repeatedly, cried for you, cried because of you. I am someone who trusted you, held you, listened to you, and never once mistreated you.. I am also a person who you abused horrifically with lies, games, neglect, coercion, gaslighting, stonewalling, crazy-making, accusations, future faking, and untrue character assassinations. I am the woman whose time you wasted. I am someone who you convinced you were going to marry and that you loved her and wanted a family right away. I am someone you always try to take down for no reason other than the fact that you are mentally disturbed, selfish, and lacking a conscience/heart. I am someone who has every right to hate you, but who still doesn't.—
As for Who I think I am
—I'D TELL HIM this:
I never thought he was a horrible human being, even though there was zero evidence to support he was good. I thought he had a heart. I was wrong. He opposes all that is good, real and pure. He may very well be evil incarnate.
He is the cruelest person I have ever met, and keep in mind I have also met and known a rapist, a conman, and someone who spoke of murdering his father. Still, the manipulative SELFISHNESS that is D.B. tops them all by being an abusive and heartless, cowardly betrayer.
Do I hate him? No. But I think very poorly of him, because he treats people like they are less than.. He scars people. He crushed me for no good reason at all over and over. He is a bad person, and I’m not in love with him anymore. I don’t like him, because he has piss poor character. I love everyone, I see good in everyone.. I am digging to see good in him..I want to see good in him still- but I see NOTHING.
If I could magically help him, damn straight I would..but none of that changes the truth..the fact is that..he is a horrible person. And all the HORRIBLE things he did to me over this past year, the way he treated me, lied to me, used me, tricked me, insulted me, degraded me, belittled me, dehumanized me, violated me, broke me, abandoned me. scarred me, do at times fill me with extreme rage. And I deserve to get it out of my system.
His wrath was unjustified. My hatred for all of his hateful behaviors is justified. I LOATHE how he treated me. I despise how he thinks he has the right to treat people horribly. I have anger.. and I am going to share that here. I am a kind, patient person- but being abused and encountering a person who should not be allowed around other human beings enrages me.
He can enjoy it, the attention, my strong emotional reactions to him, and the trauma I'm recovering from.. He can use it to validate himself and pretend I am less than..
What a legacy to leave behind, and a fabulous life he'll be able to reflect upon on his death bed..with absolutely nothing for him to be proud of. How can he be proud of the man he is??? He's barely a person.
LIKE ME ACTUALLY POSESSING A CONSCIENCE. SO BOOYAH YOU CRUEL,UNDESERVING OVERGROWN MAN-CHILD. But in all seriousness, I am mostly out of his league because of how he treated me.
Can you tell I am angry while writing this? lol. I am. Thank God I don't stay that way. And thank God his rude arse isn't here to shame me for having feelings, a valid response, and an outburst after his disgusting abuse.
He took a year of my life, he traumatized me, nearly destroyed me- I have earned the right to be LIVID with him for acting like a complete tool. He can't handle anger from others regarding him, which is hilarious because he has torn me apart and discarded me after telling me how worthless and awful I am over and over again..with no supportive evidence for his accusations/insults he hurls my way each time, but
He says he has high standards. Those aren't standards babe, it is a personality disorder..or two..which I am not poking fun at..those things are serious and nobody deserves to have to suffer with them.. BUT I AM SO ANGRY WITH HOW WHATEVER IS WRONG WITH HIM MANIFESTED BECAUSE HE TOOK IT OUT ON ME!
THE SHAME IS ON HIM, where it belongs.
I'll make a list of some of the insults and cruel things he said to me-and my clap backs. That'll be amusing.
I don't hate him. I wish I did. I hate how he chooses to live and how he chose to hurt me. He can get mad at my valid, and justified anger..but what he should be doing is getting over HIMSELF and trying to put out the fires he started instead of constantly burning (and blowing up) bridges.
I have this entire relationship recorded and over 8 hours of audio and more he doesn't even know about (I RECORDED A LOT TO COMBAT THE GASLIGHTING- I made sure it was legal in my state to record the calls without his knowledge-IT IS.)- and I promise you, I am NOT the one who comes across as a selfish, um... I don't know what word to even use for him sometimes. I don't want to just call him derogatory names(obviously I do sometimes when I am really angry 😅), I'd rather just call him out for his harmful traits that piss me off-because they involve pushing me around, and then telling me it is all my fault and that I deserve whatever hell he unleashes.
My Mirror
If he thinks I am equally responsible for HIS unacceptable actions, that's deflecting and further harming me. I did NOT provoke how he treated me this year, and deep down he knows it. I looked in the mirror and took ALL THE BLAME/responsibility for the wrongs and hurt while we were together.
He told me to look in the mirror to fix my own shit. K. Here I go-
In the relationship I NEVER lied, attacked, ignored, called names, accused or acted selfishly and abusively.
I attempted to speak to him about things he did that hurt me and that I didn't understand- which he said was me being bad to HIM. You know what things I tried to talk to him about? That complaining I did? It was always about his abusive behaviors. ALWAYS.
His abuse didn't hurt and break me because of my past and my issues (even if it made parts of it hurt more), it was damaging because it was a terrible and a disturbing way to be treated by someone I loved so much and who claimed to love me. Yes, his mistreatment did bring back some hurt from old wounds, but he inflicted some gaping wounds all on his own with an intensity that would hurt anyone-even someone without "baggage."
His abusive behavior would have been seriously damaging to any partner. No matter how much he denies it, and justifies it to make it seem like less than what it was. Just as he made me feel like less than who I am, and worthy of less than what I deserve.
Someone you love with all of your heart isn't supposed to do that to you, but sometimes..they just do ,and nothing you can do or feel will stop them. I will be fine. I know I'm not flawless and the picture of perfect mental helath, but my mind is not nearly as dark and lost as someone's who repeatedly abuses others. I am better than how he treated me. I didn't deserve that. Nobody does.
So once more, I am looking at myself as a person, but mostly in regards to the relationship. I am a flawed person. Everyone is. I have weaknesses and make mistakes. My flaws led to me putting up with this abusive turd. BUT WHEN IT COMES TO THE TYPE OF PARTNER I AM- I do not mistreat, complicate, or destroy the partnership or communication. I NEVER WRONGED HIM. I recorded he and I discussing it-I am a good and selfless partner. So the flaws I do have, have NOTHING to do with the problems within our relationship.
HIS ABUSE WAS THE PROBLEM. But he told me I was CONSTANTLY because I would tell him something wrong HE DID was harming me. He can deflect all he wants, but my mirror isn't having issues with how it reflects! I see me and all my imperfections, but I am not responsible for the hateful actions and chaos. I was there. But the poison and the instigator was always, and always will be, that antagonistic man-D.B. I am not deflecting and shifting blame to him, because that is exactly where the blame originates and belongs! If he doesn't like it, then he can stop acting like the man who hurt him most at any time now.
Let's see how bad and high maintenance I was while I look at 'my own shit’—
Things I Spoke Up About:
(I always got in trouble for doing it)
- Being called clueless
- When he called things that mattered to me dramatic bullshit.
- Being told to "F*cking Stop it Erinn!!" When he'd accuse me of being manipulative for sharing with him that I was hurting or sick.
- Being told that I was "LYING!!" When I explain myself-even though I had done nothing wrong that I should've had to explain. And I DON'T LIE. I proved I wasn't lying with screenshots from my sister-and he ignored it and attacked me using a different aspect of my character to scrutinize.
- Him not showing up for a date and then refusing to answer his phone.
- Him disappearing in the middle of a text discussion/fight after he know I am really upset, hurt.(because he made it a fight)
- Him acting like we had was the love/connection of the ages and he was SO excited and glad he met me, that he just couldn't wait to spend time with me and get closer to me- AND THEN AS SOON AS HE GETS ME HE ASKS NOTHING AND SEEMS DISINTERESTED, NEVER TALKS TO ME, ACTS GUARDED, CRUEL, UNIMPRESSED AND DISAPPROVING AND ATTACKS EVERY SINGLE THING I DO OR SAY.
- Being told 'It's not all about you!' Once he did it while I was apologizing for being upset over something bad HE HAD DONE. The nerve of this selfish bastard to tell me "It's not always about you!" No babe, it sure isn't, because it is always about you! You malicious, narcissistic brat!
- Him not speaking to me much EVER
- Him abruptly cutting off all contact without warning and often following a very romantic date. Then him acting like I was crazy when I let him know I was concerned and lonely days into no contact.
- Being told the things I say just push his buttons and make everything worse
- That he was always too busy for me and what I wanted, but made time when he wanted to talk about sex or get pictures--THEN FUSSED AT ME FOR SENDING THEM
- Him getting angry when I needed something or wanted to rely on him.
So basically I spoke up when he hurt my feelings, I felt something was off with the way he ignored me, neglected me, insulted me, accused me and told me random hateful things he thought about me.. HOW DARE I!?
D.B. You trying to tell me off and saying I was the selfish, crazy, damaging one is just a bitch move on your part and you projecting the fact that you suck onto me. I may be weird and reactive to your hideous abuse and my triggered PTSD you cause too.
I also have character flaws like everyone else-but YOU ARE THE TOXIC ONE YOU ARE ABUSIVE AND YOU WERE ALWAYS THE PROBLEM AND ALWAYS WILL BE WITH ANYONE..You will dim anyone you get close to- we both know what you are...and it isn't anything stable or good.
I am not unintelligent, and even your abusive, narcissistic, in denial-self knows it..you know a lot of good things about me..and you HATE IT ALL, because we are opposites. I make you look bad-so you hate me. OR I got too difficult to push around and keep blind. Either way, I make you look bad-because YOU ARE-and that is NOT my fault. You choose to be a bad person-so hating me because I am good is just ..it is a disordered way of thinking..but hey..guess that makes sense with the obvious personality disorders you have and let go untreated because your pride and destroying people gets you off more than living a genuine and good life. Oh snap! . Get help, or disappear.
You are going to have a hard, empty life if you stay on your father's path sir..and so far..you are just as bad- physical abuse or not(I believe you would've gotten to that point...I didn't buy it when you said you've never been physically abusive. I didn't buy it at all. I saw your face after you struck my car on your birthday. You are highly unstable and volatile. You don't control your anger, if you did you would be able to treat people right and wouldn't have put me through hell with your abuse you deem less serious because it wasn't physical-yet. PLEASE!!..all abuse is abuse and it horrific and traumatizing. Stop trying to act like you are better because you never hit me.
Violating my emotions and mind was despicable, and you honestly belong in a cage or on a remote island. THERE IS NO BETTER VERSION OF ABUSER-WELL, OTHER THAN ONE WHO ACTUALLY GETS HELP. You all suck- You suck. Abusing your girlfriend is pathetic. So the fact that you called me pathetic is a joke. You bully girls...women you claim you want to mother your children. What does that make you? Not better than them- that's for sure. It's pitiful.
Go back to Texas, and stay away from people. It would be better for them. If you ever manage to genuinely care about another person's wellbeing, do them a favor and LEAVE THEM ALONE. And if you ever have a child, definitely leave them alone too! No kid deserves to be raised by a man like you. You would ruin a child. You have no love to give and no guidance to provide-you can't even guide yourself. If you do have enough heart to not want to destroy a child, get a vasectomy before you create another YOU.
Remember your childhood, your abusive, crazy dad? (if all you said about your upbringing wasn’t fabricated too!) You'd be just as bad, if not worse to your child because YOU ARE POISON.
You are hate in human form.
You are darkness and all the worst parts of humanity put into one being.
You told me you like making people feel bad. That's called being sadistic, and it is not a good thing. You are ruining your life and blaming everyone else and the world for your misery.
You are miserable because you are ill, not because everyone is wrong and needing to be pushed around by you!
Note to D.B.
You're impossible.
You are not winning. Look at your life. You have nothing. And if you don't get help, that is all your life will ever be. Empty, negative, destructive, and miserable.
Please get help, unless your current life of simply existing and taking is purposeful enough for you. If that is all you want..I am so sorry. That is a pitiful existence.
Your behavior is insanely abusive, controlling, manipulative, horrific, evil. To stay as you are, that is not a life- that is a prison sentence..but if you are severely psychopathic—which I don’t know if you are or not—..then I suppose you don’t have the depth or desire to care about that.
But in case you aren’t 100% without humanity:
Please, you are still smart, charismatic, handsome, capable..so PLEASE take your gifts and the fact that YOU MATTER TOO and get yourself some damn help instead of digging a deeper hole and suffocating. You grab other people by their ankles and violently yank them down while they are still above ground. Seeing others standing on the surface enrages you because you are stuck and sinking down below. That is NOT MY FAULT, or anyone else's. A body count will not save you D.B.
If you can feel ANYTHING at all..if you have a heart AT ALL in there.. Please please get help. Not for me, we will never speak again..but for YOU. Get help, for you. I hate what you did to me, but sadly I hate the thought of you being stuck in that depraved, isolated head of yours even more. I'm sorry you are how you are, my anger and rage with your bullshit behavior will not change that I want better for you.
You're a hateful, cruel person..but I do not hate you. At the moment you disgust me, because you treated me in a DISGUSTING manner. A sane person could not blame me for feeling as I do now. Still.. if I could save you, I would. Yes..I am SO SO SO MAD, RIGHTFULLY SO.. But I still wish I could 'save' you, and at the same time If you could destroy me you would, and you've repeatedly tried. It's a sad thing.
Get help now. Before it is too late. You can deflect on me, attack me by trying to point out my faults, but my faults were never the problem or anything in comparison to the maliciousness within your own.
Get help, so who you are isn't someone you hate so dang much that you have to take it out on the world and those who dare to love you. I know your entitled arse won't get or care about this. But imagine if someone had done all of what you did to me TO YOU.
You should have learned the 'Golden Rule’ at age 5..I blame your upbringing. Get a heart, and get some professional help so you can hopefully become a real person and have a real life someday.
I love you. NOT romantically. I love you because your heartless butt needs all the love it can get. So here, you abusive jerk, take it. I love you. You matter. You can do better. You deserve peace. You deserve to feel. You deserve more than what you settle for.. You project it out as needing more from the world and the people you believe aren’t enough, are too weak and ignorant, or who don’t understand you and let you down..but what you need more of is inside of yourself. You need you- whoever the hell you are in there. If there is no heart at all..I'm sorry to have to imagine where you'll end up.
I forgive you for not being sorry and for mocking good while embracing the absolute worst evils without hesitation.
I pity you for thinking good is stupid and weak, but that abusing others is strong and justified.
There D.B. I hope you have a heart..I truly do. I just never once saw evidence that it is there. You've only convinced me that you are evil. I hope I am wrong..for your sake. I don't want you to be damned or live a miserable life. But I don't like you. I don't like you at all. I am tired of mean people. Sadly, you're the meanest person I have ever encountered.
Opposites attract. It's not fair. But I'll get over it. I'm already over you, just not what you did..One day I will be..
You attacked me, and attacked me, and attacked me..I held back, I got confused, and I bit my tongue. I started attacking myself right along with you. That is a big part of the reason why I rant and blow up..
You pushed me down and down and treated me like crap. Now I am lunging back like a cornered animal, even though you aren't here.
I deserved to take a stand...you are a bully, and I am too tired of your nonsense to not let it all out.
I don't deserve anger dragging me down. I won’t let it. After I type out all my feelings it is always a well-deserved release.
Get help. You Suck lol. I don't like you, but I do love you. I wish you could care about others, because I still worry for you. Byeeeee, ya jackal.
Let's Talk About ME
He spoke for hours about why he had abused me, why he was the way he was, what he was going to do better, his major revelations, what he desired, and how he didn't realize he was abusing me (yet he said minutes later that he chose to be that way..)
But you know what he didn't talk about? ME.(other than cheap flattery and sexual stuff) He didn't ask about me, he didn't let the focus ever be on me-the person he was going on and on about having wronged..I was the one who was a victim of his actions, but the entire talk was about HIM.
We spent practically the entire time talking about him, and and how hard life was for HIM..
He told me he used to be able to take care of a problem in the Marines by killing, just taking out the target..but since he couldn't do that here, he chooses to just delete people instead. That way, they are gone and dead to him. I was glad he shared. I wanted to share and help..but all I could do was notice how everything he told me about his actions, his rationale, and the misery he was in..it was all so highly narcissistic..but me knowing that didn't matter. Knowing what he spoke of was the the dreaded and very real phenomenon known as the Narcissistic Discard.
Trying to do things properly with him is exhausting.. He won't let you..he doesn't let you because you aren't him.
Only things he 'allows' you to do are things he wants, approves of, or is willing to tolerate to get something he actually does want.
He's a sham, and a shell of a person.
What I'll Be Missing
(To summarize, I'll miss out on being treated like shit.)
Him refusing to discuss anything if he doesn't feel like it, or deem it important and worthy of his precious time. After all, it is HIS time, and he does what HE wants to with it. Who is anyone to dare to expect to be considered like they matter too? That is so disrespectful towards D.B., the world is obviously here for him, and it owes him something.- ENTITLED.
Being blame-shift target #1! ..And his emotional punching bag.
His inability to compliment my talents or strengths to build ME up instead of himself.
Small examples
1.) When I sketched something amazing for him..not a word about it or a single thank you. NOTHING.
2.) When I sang, he sang louder and told me how he used to be in a band and could sing higher than any other man -never commented on my pretty voice.
3.) When I got along with his family, he gushed about how everyone loves me and I have this positive warm energy, but he had to first make it backhanded by saying "I thought you were just going to be nervous and weird the entire time, but you were great." He didn't look happy about it... So sorry people still like me better after the first impression-it's probably because it isn't fake to impress anyone and I'm not a jerk.
Listening to him talk about himself while never asking about me or listening to what I am really saying ,unless it offends him.
Double standards and gross self-importance.. Him being free to talk about all his problems and demand the special consideration he requires from me to not expect 'too much'(basic respect, healthy communication, and effort) --but as soon as I mention my own problems, worries, needs he gets upset because somehow it is adding more difficulty to HIS life.. Suddenly my pain and stress is all about HIM and the way HE feels about it, how it impacts HIM , how HE doesn't like it.
Him turning all of the conversations to focus on him, no matter what. Never talking about the issue I confront him with, but instead THE ISSUE HE HAS WITH MY ISSUE.
Things He Did for Me—
- He texted goodnight or good morning doll a couple of times a week most weeks.. maybe an occasional sentence or two..(Sometimes he texted even more if I texted trying to have a conversation, because then he'd have to tell me why that was wrong of me and how difficult and needy I was.)
- He told me he wanted to be with me when we saw each other in person or over the phone through a speech-(not a two way conversation) after he had lashed out and hurt me.
- He said he was going to do better, that he knew how he wanted to treat me right.
- He asked me how my day went possibly five times total...
- He told me I was always pretty and that he loved my boobs. Yeah, he wasn’t big in compliments or positive feedback..That’s the best I got..other than on the first date in which he praised me.
- He held a conversation on our first date to get me, and then again each time he came back after a major abusive episode/breakup. I'd get one 'real' conversation per hoover. I'm so lucky..Mostly it was him talking about what HE realized about himself and life and what his new exciting plans to be a better man were. How I had been in the months without him never came up or mattered. If I tried to talk about my own struggles-he'd give me some more damage to struggle with and leave again.
- He had me around his family and those days were fun//but that wasn't really for me..I just enjoyed it. (probably just made him look more normal, and good to have a pretty, normal, kind, and intelligent girl to impress his family with. I'm sure he's trashed my name to them now, he sure isn't going to tell them the truth.)
- He called a grand total of 10 times from the start of our relationship through the 'final' discard on his birthday. (Keep in mind the first 2 months were during the strict phase 1 of COVID quarantine so we definitely weren't seeing each other.)And those calls were not casual, healthy couple chats. We spoke on the phone 2 times before we became a couple, once for 6 hours.
x1: to call and talk about a how hot a 19 yr old's hair cut was that he saw because she sent him pics of her by the pool on Snapchat/AKA make a fight and hurt my feelings. That was the first thing he mentioned and we hadn't spoken on the phone in a couple weeks..
x1: to check on me during finals, and to let me know the 19 year old he said was so sexy had called and he was going to help her and call me back to talk later- HE DIDN'T.
x1: because he showed up to pick me up, I missed the call and called back but he wouldn't answer. He drove away and refused to respond to my texts, calls or voicemail for over 2 days afterwards. Then broke up with me for literally 3 minutes via text as soon as we got back in communication because my response to him driving off and ignoring me(his very abusive, damaging behavior) was 'crazy'
x1: because I asked him to call because he went no communication with me for 6 consecutive days after our first date in 2 months-which happened to be only a couple of days after he broke up with me for 2 minutes over text..AND HE USED THAT CALL TO tell me he had feelings for another woman, to get over it,and then he broke up with me over text 5 minutes later and blocked me on his phone and our school email where we first communicated.
x1-3: were to calls after several days of unexplained zero contact so he could give me a speech about advice he got and how much better he would do. And how he would stop ghosting and lashing out. SO TO TALK ABOUT HIMSELF-NOT TO ASK HOW I HAD BEEN OR HOW I FELT ABOUT WHAT HE DID.
x 1-2: less than 5 minute short calls to confirm plans to meet up.
x 1: And lastly, a call at 6pm after ignoring me all day on his birthday to tell me how my birthday present pissed him off, ruined his day, that I was clueless, manipulative, and he had suddenly changed his mind from 2 days prior (when he spoke of marriage and wanted to get me pregnant)-so he discarded me and told me he never wanted to speak to me again and that I had done him wrong by crossing a line and not being on the same page at all. Promptly blocked me.
Things I Did for Him:
- Listened
- Cared
- Always truthful
- Offered help
- Let myself be open and vulnerable
- Loved him unconditionally
- Supported him
- Always was tremendously careful with his feelings, and considered how my words and actions could impact him.
- Provided endless thoughtful words full of loving sentiment.
- Believed in him
- Encouraged him
- Never tried to manipulate a reaction out of him
- Had pure intentions
- Never gave up on him or 'us'
- Forgave everything
Waited for the changes he promised/Waited for his kindness, love and affection/ Waited for him to be ready/ Waited to be accepted/ Waited for my turn to matter and to be heard./ Waited for him to respond to my messages/ & Waited for the pain to stop because I cared much more about his than my own.
- Complimented, tried to build him up-
- Appreciated him, and let him know it. Cherished him.
- Never ignored him
- Never accused him
- Never called him names
- Spoke of his behavior or action that hurt me without ever tearing apart his character or worth.
- Excused him, blamed myself
- Asked for very little. All I wanted was for him to behave as my partner and to be kind to me. He responded like I was pushing for A LOT when I only had rather low expectations of him because he was such an unavailable mess.
- Dated him-you're welcome
- Trusted him. (sadly)
- Constantly reflected on my own actions and modified them to do right by him
- Cried for, and over him.
- Tried to fix the 'faults' he pointed out in me. I wanted to be my best because I thought he deserved the best love, I didn't want to provide anything less than that.
- Ordered and read 2 books and 2 ebooks about Combat Veteran PTSD because he always said that was why he was so distant and difficult. Wanted to be sensitive to his struggles
- Found local Al-anon meetings to try to be understanding after he said he was a recovering alcoholic
- Never made him guess what I wanted, thought, or felt-I was transparent and sincere
- Wanted him, and let him know it with words and actions.
- Put him first, always
- Offered him all I had to give,
- Gave him thoughtful gifts on his birthday-which he promptly ripped my heart out in response
- Wanted what was best for him, even after each time he discard me and crushed me in the ugliest ways possible-I still sent him kind goodbyes after each and every one once the dust settled..to let him know I wished him well and appreciated what I learned and was able to experience from our relationship...Always let him know I cared-even after the romance died.
- Gave him all I had, my entire heart, my energy, my brain power, and was willing and wanting to give him my entire future.
- Wanted to be his and have his child; was ready for everything he said he wanted.
- Was NEVER high maintenance- He thinks otherwise..but someone who was high maintenance would have never put up with him for even a second! He literally gave nothing. I didn't complain or nag over petty junk-I stated my grievances when he was being a horrible boyfriend/abusive and those messages were always so carefully worded to make sure he knew it was not coming from an aggressive, disrespectful, or ungrateful place..It didn't matter. I couldn't let him know I didn't like being ignored five days straight, or him calling me names, or bragging about girls..or showing zero interest in me whatsoever..that was me being 'needy/high maintenance, suffocating, and crazy. It was called me expecting him not to act like a sociopath. My bad. He made sure I didn't realize what he was.
He was so clever, and took such advantage of my trust and love for him.
Horrible, horrible man. And he will live a horrible life because of it.(Say it with me y'all-NNNNNNnnnnn n n n n narcissist-That's not to poke fun-it's to point out in a goofy way the problem that needs fixing. The problem was, and always will be, that he is highly narcissistic. He can't be a good partner or person without it being improved upon-which takes extremely hard work, so he’s likely a complete lost cause)
Nothing was ever steady, He was never ok, no matter how much love, support, kindness and patience I provided.
The most vulnerable of my words were ignored or labeled manipulative insanity.
My kindest requests were called foolish.
My inevitable pleas for mercy, were called pathetic and weak.
I couldn't do anything right. I couldn't relax or be ok.
If I tried to find a way to be alright, it would get so much worse. Because when I expressed my needs, he would enforce that what I was actually doing was being unfair, manipulative and selfish towards him.
I became so tired, nervous, lonely and confused.
The more I loved him, the more I hated myself.
I couldn't nurture myself, because I thought it was wrong to take care of myself, he told me it was. He said I was making everything worse for him.
Some things I didn't do and can't control, like what a man I love decides to do with his own words and body. I didn't make him abuse me. It is not my fault. I am finding a way to start believing that fully, because I know it is true.. I was just so used to viewing him as someone better than who he really is.
I have many flaws..but being a selfish, bad partner is not one of them. I was a wonderful girlfriend.
On my absolute worst day I treated him better than he ever treated me on his best.
Forgiving isn't the most difficult part for me. The difficult part for me is when my forgiveness bleeds over into the territory of excusing his abuse.I Can Forgive;
I Can't Hope
I bought into it.. I projected my compassionate and sincere traits onto him, just as he projected his worst traits onto me.
So Now I have to come to this conclusion:
D.B. is an extremely bad human being.
Denying never changed who he really was, or how much pain he caused me. So instead of being sad and understanding, which gets me in hot water, I will let myself feel anger and force the excuses for him out of my mind.
Empathizing with him pulled me down into his relentlessly damaging realm. That doesn't mean I want him to fail or fall. I don't. I just have A LOT of pent up anger towards how he treated me.. and towards the type of entitled person he is...
All abusers are sickeningly entitled.. You have to be in order to think you have the right to treat others like dirt.. as if you matter more.
Permanent bullies have much less to offer this world. They don't add because they are too busy constantly taking away and breaking down all that is good and worthwhile.
Can't anyone help them? Is anyone trying to help them...other than their poor, misguided victims?
Evil has to come from somewhere.. But if someone can't feel empathy.. how can they have a conscience? and how is that 100% their fault.??
I need sleep, I’m deliriously tired and rambling in too many directions. Now I am sad for all the psychopaths of the world even though they aren’t sad about how they are at all. And I am sad for D.B. too..🤦🏻♀️ Goodness gracious.. being an 'empath' isn't a brag or an accomplishment.. nor is it something sweet and noble- It is exhausting and infuriating. WHY DO I HAVE TO ALWAYS CARE ABOUT EVERYONE!?!?? I LITERALLY CANNOT STOP CARING. I TRY, TO NO AVAIL.
Even when I am unbelievably outraged and talking about how horrible someone is, I am simultaneously feeling torn inside because I'm also feeling guilt, concern, and sorrow regarding him and all 'bad' people!
I lose sleep hurting about the fact that I know or suspect the other person is hurting..even though he has hurt me so very deeply and probably can’t hurt over anything. I'm too tired to make this make sense. And caring this much while I am furiously mad is annoying me. I'll fix/edit this later. lol 3/13-3/15
Why Do People Stay in Abusive Relationships?
How the question was brought up:
During our first date in a two months due to COVID quarantine(these days with Facetime available..there's no excuse to go two months without seeing each other!) he was talking about his ex girlfriend and her current relationship throughout the entire 4-5 hour date. He kept saying how abusive her boyfriend was. He said he told her he hoped the guy would die , and that it made her angry with him. Oh! And he shared a ‘fun’ story about how they got busted for having sex-or trying to-in a vehicle at the spot he and I were currently walking around on OUR date..and the first time seeing each other in a lonnng time.
woman continued, he transitioned slightly and said in regards to victims of abuse,
"That's something I've never understood. Can't you just leave?"
So, not that he actually wanted to know why people often don’t just leave abusers.. (he pretended to be very curious)